Vanessa being altruistic by nature foreseeably switched paths from a career in fashion and finance to a journey which enabled her to concentrate on social concerns. Consistently benevolent, she honed her interpersonal skills as an Operations Manager and later as a Client Services Director.
Taking her civic responsibility seriously, Vanessa wholeheartedly focused her attention to assisting those in need. She actualized her deep commitment to the community by attending numerous training programs and participating with community outreach organizations located in Bergen and Essex Counties.
A proud member of the Municipal Alliance, OEM and CERT. Vanessa embodies her public spiritedness as she is a Youth Mental Health First Responder and is CPRS, FEMA ICS-100 and IS-700 certified.
Today through BlueCrest, Vanessa’s dream to assist others has become a reality.
Her free time is spent with her family and attending her daughters’ sporting events.